$15.00 can change Pittsburgh

UPMC is our city’s largest charity, landowner and employer. It employs 43,000 people here in Pittsburgh—more than twice the number of people working at the next largest employer.
What would happen if the region’s largest employer stopped paying thousands of workers poverty wages and instead paid no one less than $15.00 an hour?
Take a look. This new graphic shows why UPMC raising wages is key to building a strong and healthy Pittsburgh.


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Take Action: Sign our letter to the UPMC Board of Directors and tell them it’s time for change at UPMC

We need UPMC to improve jobs and raise wages for its workers. The future of our city depends on it.
Can you sign onto our open letter to the UPMC Board of Directors – and stand up for good jobs for a strong and healthy Pittsburgh?
Together we can Make it Our UPMC.


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  1. oliver lee miller

    It is time for UPMC to be held accountable for there actions against the city, and its employees. THATS THE BOTTOM LINE. they have been getting away with this for to long. Your not going to tell me that they see nothing wrong with a employee who has put in work for years along with there time, over 5, 10, 15, 20. 30 plus years making under 15$ a hour and all you can give them is a Certificate. It is TIME for UPMC to pay its employees for what there WORTH not what they think they should have

  2. Mark K.

    I received a 40 cent raise this year in Radiology… with inflation and the cost of our benefits going up…. I technically make less this year vs. last.
    Thanks UPMC……. atleast you gave us some cookies and a pat on the back though right?