Our great friends at California Newsreel want us to have this knowledge and inspiration, so they’re giving UPMC workers and Make It Our UPMC supporters special access to view it free of charge.
UPMC workers are starting the year by reflecting on Martin Luther King Jr. s work to end poverty and win dignity for every person. On Monday, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, UPMC workers will join Pittsburgh Interfaith Impact Network (PIIN) and community members for a prayer vigil to reflect on Dr. King’s fight for worker justice and to unite around the need for UPMC to pay its workers a living wage.
Love Thy Neighbor as a:
Worker with a living wage
family that can put food on the table
Corporation that treats ALL of its employees fairly
Working class that has the opportunity to succeed
Love Thy Neighbor Prayer Vigil
Monday, Jan. 20
10 am
UPMC Presbyterian – 5th and Atwood in Oakland
Also, UPMC workers will be watching At the River I Stand, a documentary about the 1968 sanitation workers strike that brought Martin Luther King Jr. to Memphis. Our friends at California Newsreel want us to have this knowledge and inspiration, so they’re giving UPMC workers and Make It Our UPMC supporters special access to view it free of charge.
Click Here To Watch: http://vimeo.com/califo rnianewsreel/atris. Passcode is LOVETHYNEIGHBOR (all caps). Access if free of charge through Monday.
Corporation that treats ALL of its employees fairly
Working class that has the opportunity to succeed
Love Thy Neighbor Prayer Vigil
Monday, Jan. 20
10 am
UPMC Presbyterian – 5th and Atwood in Oakland
Also, UPMC workers will be watching At the River I Stand, a documentary about the 1968 sanitation workers strike that brought Martin Luther King Jr. to Memphis. Our friends at California Newsreel want us to have this knowledge and inspiration, so they’re giving UPMC workers and Make It Our UPMC supporters special access to view it free of charge.
Click Here To Watch: http://vimeo.com/califo
Find us online on Facebook and Twitter for more information.
Together we can Make It Our UPMC!