Strong and healthy communities begin with good jobs and a union so that workers can support their families and join the middle class.
Strong and healthy communities begin with good jobs and a union so that workers can support their families and join the middle class.
WHAT: Good Jobs and a Union at UPMC!
WHEN: Wednesday, July 30, 4:30 pm
WHERE: Mellon Square, Downtown
With 62,000 employees, $1.3 billion in profits in the last three years, $4 billion in reserves, and 31 top executives who together take home $54.5 million annually, UPMC should be working with us to make eds-and-meds jobs into good jobs.
Instead, UPMC is standing in the way of thousands of workers who are building their union as a path out of poverty. UPMC recently took away good union jobs from a group of hard-working janitors who clean its Shadyside office complex. These janitors are losing their jobs because they stood with UPMC’s hospital workers organizing to improve their lives. UPMC’s service workers, the biggest group in its hospitals, are paid between 8% and 30% below what it takes to live in Pittsburgh.
Across our country, workers are rising up for a fair shake in the new economy. That means wages that support our families and a voice on the job.It’s time for UPMC to stop holding Pittsburgh back. It’s time for good jobs and a union at UPMC.
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