My name is Latasha Tabb. I went to school to be a medical assistant because, like many young women, I thought it was the best opportunity to get a good job doing something important and meaningful while also making a decent living. After 3 years of schooling I am now $33,000 in debt and I’m only paid $12.92 an hour. Working in the medical field is a lot different than I had imagined. My husband and I both work very hard to provide for our family and make sure that our son, Jodi, has quality childcare and the things he needs to be happy and healthy.
This industry is heavily dominated by working mothers, some of them single mothers, all of us doing everything we can to build a good life for ourselves and our families. We are the mothers and the caretakers in the hospitals but it seems like there’s no one taking of us or looking out for our wellbeing.
In addition to being a very loving mother, I’m also a very determined woman. That’s why I constantly talk to my coworkers about the importance of forming a union and standing up for better pay and affordable healthcare.