The truth is our effort to improve jobs at UPMC isn’t just about UPMC. For me, it’s about putting my grandchildren to sleep at night and knowing I am doing everything I can for them to wake up in a better Pittsburgh.
Last year on Labor Day, thousands of union members from across our city joined my coworkers and me to let UPMC know that labor supports us as we form our union.
I was honored to know that the Teamsters, Steelworkers, teachers and all our union brothers and sisters have our backs in our movement to make sure the new economy works for everyone.
We’re making progress in this David and Goliath fight that many thought was impossible: a year ago, after we started talking about the problems we face on the job, UPMC increased wages by $1.
Other service workers in Pittsburgh tell me our work to improve jobs at the region’s largest employer has encouraged and inspired them to fight for good jobs. The truth is our effort to improve jobs at UPMC isn’t just about UPMC. For me, it’s about putting my grandchildren to sleep at night and knowing I am doing everything I can for them to wake up in a better Pittsburgh. It’s about setting a new standard for jobs in this city so my neighbor who is a fast food worker can afford to give his kids a hot meal.
This Labor Day, casino workers, fast food workers, adjunct instructors, security officers and other service workers from all over Pittsburgh will march with us as we tell our employers: Pittsburgh Workers are Rising.
Our calls for good jobs with a union got the attention of gubernatorial candidate Tom Wolf who will join us at the parade to hear how about our movement for change in Pittsburgh.
Will you join all of us Labor Day and stand up for good jobs with a union?
March with the workers who are fighting to Make It Our UPMC:
Consol Center Center Ave – E. Parking Lot
10:00 AM
Coffee & Donuts Provided
Join us for a Labor Day reception with special guest Tom Wolf:
US Steel Workers Building
60 Boulevard of the Allies
12:45 PM
Refreshments Provided
Together we can raise up Pittsburgh.
Teri Collins
Unit Secretary, UPMC Montefiore