UPMC has been called an “empire”, and with good reason. By buying those hospitals that it can and attempting to drive out of business those that it can’t, UPMC is creating a healthcare monopoly that drives up healthcare costs for all of us. UPMC’s predatory behavior distorts real estate markets, making it hard for homeowners to buy and sell their homes. And its growing tax exemptions leave the rest of us footing more of the bill for buses, schools and policing our communities.
UPMC spends its ‘non-profit’ tax savings on expanding its empire, spending millions on facilities overseas, investing in Italy*, Ireland** and Cyprus*** while closing the hospital in Braddock.
* Italy: http://www.upmc.com/about/partners/icsd/locations/pages/italy.aspx
** Ireland: http://www.upmc.com/about/partners/icsd/locations/Pages/ireland.aspx
*** Cyprus: http://extra.upmc.com/international/090515/1.htm
** Ireland: http://www.upmc.com/about/partners/icsd/locations/Pages/ireland.aspx
*** Cyprus: http://extra.upmc.com/international/090515/1.htm
* Kris B. Mamula, “22 UPMC employees top $1 million,” Pittsburgh Business Times online, May 14, 2012, 5:32pm.
Available at http://www.bizjournals.com/pittsburgh/news/2012/05/14/23-upmc-employees-top-1-million.html
Available at http://www.bizjournals.com/pittsburgh/news/2012/05/14/23-upmc-employees-top-1-million.html
It spends $20 million annually in advertising.** One commentator called their new Monroeville hospital a very expensive billboard.***
* Dan Fitzpatrick, “Top of the triangle: UPMC getting ready to put its name on U.S. Steel Tower,” Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, April 25, 2008. Available at http://www.post-gazette.com/stories/business/news/top-of-the-triangle-upmc-getting-ready-to-put-its-name-on-us-steel-tower-391067/
** “UPMC chooses Grey Group as creative and media agency,” Pittsburgh Business Times online, May 11, 2010, 11:36 a.m. Available at http://www.bizjournals.com/pittsburgh/stories/2010/05/10/daily11.html
*** Sean D. Hamill, “UPMC East’s land deals provoke questions,” Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, September 24, 2012. Available at http://www.post-gazette.com/stories/business/news/upmc-easts-land-deals-provoke-questions-654707/
** “UPMC chooses Grey Group as creative and media agency,” Pittsburgh Business Times online, May 11, 2010, 11:36 a.m. Available at http://www.bizjournals.com/pittsburgh/stories/2010/05/10/daily11.html
*** Sean D. Hamill, “UPMC East’s land deals provoke questions,” Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, September 24, 2012. Available at http://www.post-gazette.com/stories/business/news/upmc-easts-land-deals-provoke-questions-654707/