Pittsburgh Workers Rising!

Gubernatorial candidate Tom Wolf met with workers who are fighting to rebuild the middle class.

Gubernatorial candidate Tom Wolf met with workers who are fighting to rebuild the middle class.

Across our city, tens of thousands of workers are standing up for good jobs and a union.  In our hospitals, casinos, fast food joints, and universities, from health aids to adjuncts to security workers to janitors, we know that the only path to real prosperity in the “eds and meds” economy is with a voice on the job.
What better way to meet one another and celebrate our determination than a good old-fashioned cook out?  Our union movement is bringing us together as one family, building a brighter future for ourselves and our kids.
Guess who joined us? Gubernatorial candidate Tom Wolf! He wanted to meet workers who are organizing and let us know that he’s down with our fight to rebuild the middle class. Here’s what he had to say:

“Your fight for your union is about fairness. And it is unfair that many of you can’t even afford to receive the same care you give every day. Cutting people off from the middle class only does one thing – it cuts off our economic vitality. We need good family sustaining jobs if we want a fresh start in Pennsylvania.” 

Fairness. Strong working families. And top notch care. For me, that’s what a health care union is all about. As a medical assistant at Children’s Hospital, I love helping kids feel at ease at a time of stress and worry. As a mom, I’m also all about making a good life for my son.

UPMC Worker Latahsa Tabb meets with gubernatorial candidate Tom Wolf.

UPMC Worker Latahsa Tabb meets with gubernatorial candidate Tom Wolf.

We’re calling for a family sustaining wage and a union at UPMC because that’s fair. It’s how we build strong families, And it’s how front line caregivers like me help ensure that our hospitals put patients over profits. That’s the formula for making sure that this new economy builds healthy communities.
I’m excited to be part of Pittsburgh’s rising workers. And proud to be supporting Tom Wolf for Governor.
Together, we can make it our UPMC.
Latasha Tabb
Medical Assistant – UPMC Children’s Hospital


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