Post-Gazette Calls UPMC What It Really Is: A Bully
An editorial published in the Post-Gazette called out UPMC for what it really is, a bully. The Post-Gazette hit the nail on the head with its editorial, calling out UPMC for suing the city, while claiming it is a purely public charity. It also noted that the $10 billion dollar hospital systems corporate goal of creating a local monopoly on health care is just one more reason why UPMC is not acting like a purely public charity:
“Many people praise their UPMC doctors and thank their UPMC nurses, but UPMC’s corporate strategy to reject Highmark insurance customers after 2014 and drive out the West Penn Allegheny Health System — the thin line of defense against a UPMC monopoly — is uncharitable behavior to the max.”
UPMC seems to be afraid of the HUP test – going to great lengths to keep from paying their fair share. Suing the taxpayers of Pittsburgh is just one more example that UPMC is not a charity.
Read the Full Article Here
Upmc acts like 21st century healthcare mafia. Ask their employees to honestly rate their
Opinion. They need a job to support their families so they endure upmc behaviors of control and manipulate. If I was an employee, I would be reluctant to have medical care in their network. The news should publish their lawsuits that have been filed against them in the last 10 years.
My elderly uncle has recently been hospitalized and is being treated at a UPMC hospital. While visiting and caring for him there, I can’t help but notice the drop in quality service at this hospital. Now I am not a health care professional, I only have past experience from when my father who was treated at West Penn and AGH, for a long term illness. In my opinion the UPMC hospItal does not even come close in quality and patient care,this hospital felt like a meat marked with very arrogant doctors who did not care about his needs. I have observed and been a apart of a a very competent, knowledgeable and caring team at West Penn and AGH wqhenmy father was ill, so I have seen very good health care anda bad health care. UPMCneeds competition, because a if this is the healthy care we are expected to deal with God help us all!!